Drone rules in Austria
A list of drone regulations and links for drone pilots in Austria
Austrian Drone Regulations Overview:
Is a registration necessary?
You need to have Registration.
Recreational use of drones allowed?
Yes, it is allowed.
Is drone insurance mandatory?
It is recommended.
Commercial use of drones permitted?
Yes, but with conditions.
Does the drone need a badge?
Maximum Altitude:
120 meters
Respect the privacy of other people
Don’t forget this rule.
Not allowed drones near airports
Stay away from Airports.
Drone rules in Austria
Main responsive authorities
The main Authority responsive for the drone flights is the
Austro Control
ulfz@austrocontrol.at / +43 (0) 51703 7111
Our advise is always to be up to date with the latest news and drone rules in Austria before you decide and perform a drone flight.